LNM/Light List Application Delay

Good Day,

Availability of the modernized Local Notices to Mariners (LNMs) and Light List (LL) application will be delayed beyond the scheduled 30 September 2024 launch date as a result of Hurricane Helene.

The following legacy products will remain available on the NAVCEN website until 31 October to ensure customers maintain uninterrupted access to MSI products during the transition:

  • Weekly Local Notices to Mariners (pdf)
  • Light Lists (pdf)
  • Daily LNM Discrepancies and Temporary Changes (XML)
  • Weekly Light List files (PDF, XML)

We are working diligently to reschedule the application’s launch and will provide an update with the new release date as soon as it becomes available. 

For questions or comments, you may contact us via our contact us page (please select “LNMs or Light Lists” from the Subject pull-down menu).

Thank you for your understanding and continued support. 

Navigation Center
U.S. Coast Guard

Source: District 1 DPW
Link: LNM/Light List Application Delay