Safety Zone; Grosse Tete Passenger Ferry, Iberville LA

The Coast Guard is establishing a temporary safety zone for all navigable waters within a 300 yard radius of the Grosse Tete passenger ferry at MM 46 of the Port Allen Route, Iberville, LA. The safety zone is needed to protect ferry operations for crossing school students during morning and afternoon commutes as a result of the Grosse Tete bridge closure. Entry of vessels or persons into this zone is prohibited unless specifically authorized by the Captain of the Port (COTP) New Orleans. This rule is effective without actual notice from August 22, 2024 through noon on October 9, 2024. For the purposes of enforcement, actual notice will be used from noon on August 9, 2024, through August 22, 2024.
Source: Federal Register USCG
Link: Safety Zone; Grosse Tete Passenger Ferry, Iberville LA